úterý 1. listopadu 2011

Use cases

What are typical use cases? Well there are many of them, but recently I figured out one very nice use case. You all those girls who are really happy to go shopping, they really love to take their best friends with them to discuss what is this piece of cloth like. Does this look ok on me ? Or do I look fat ? Supportive friend then replies that she looks great, and bussines is made once again. But what if our girl cannot settle some time to go shopping with her friends ? Helpdesk application can be used in this example too. Defining your friends as your mentors makes them able to respond on your request to comment the cloth you are currently testing.

Features and functionality

What is the state of the project ?
This will be just sort of summary what we did in last few months. First task was to design the basic communication among client aplication and server, it means creating new users, new tickets and editing them. After this we had to resolve how to implement location and photos in the tickets( tickets are sort of packed requests for the operator including photo and location where it was created). Ok this all is already implemented, now for a swift answer we started to implement c2dm. While this akk is being developed we are looking for some good people to help us with design and graphics.